Music Speed Changer is a popular tool in the dance studio. Dancers and Dance teachers use the app to slow down music to learn new steps. It makes it easier to learn complicated dance steps when you can watch a dance instructor perform difficult steps in slow motion on beat to the chosen music, and it is easier for the students to repeat the choreography following the dance teacher's demonstration. The key is to have the choreography music play at the same rate that the students are learning the steps to give a full understanding of synchronicity of the dance.
As a dance teacher, you will most probably want to set up your lesson plan by setting markers for each lesson segment. Markers are bookmarks that are set and remembered for each track to allow for easy jumping to marked points in audio files. Markers can index the loop A/B information. To learn more about setting markers on the points you want to have remembered, check out our
Editor Components Video Guide - Markers (1:52)
To start your dance lesson, you want to start out playing the music at original speed, showing the students the full dance they are going to learn

The next step is to slow down each sequence and demonstrate steps in slow motion. You will want to set your A/B loop points on the first sequence you want to teach

Slow down the tempo using the slider or clicking the tempo.
To learn more about controlling tempo in the app, check out this article.
You want to start slow enough so students can clearly follow each move in choreography to the music

As the students learn the steps, you can speed up the music until the dance class is up to speed on the choreography of the original sequence

Once your dance students understand the first segment at full speed, you move your A/B points to the next segment and start the process over. You can reset your A/B points by clicking the X. Again, using markers set up ahead of time will make this process smooth.

You can also click the edit button to fine tune adjust your loop points. In the loop point editor, you can skip ahead the length of a segment or manually change the A/B information by editing the minutes and seconds in the track

The dance instructor will repeat this process until the entire piece of music is choreographed at full speed and the students are able to perform at full speed

Are you a dance instructor or student? We would love to hear your tips, tricks and experiences below!